If you own a business, having a social media presence is a must. But there’s a big difference being online and running social media properly. Many businesses will start up pages on multiple platforms and then put all of their faith into their new online existence to bring them profit. However, it takes much more than just setting up social media accounts. Here are three sure-fire ways that you will hold yourself back on social media.
Just Existing Everywhere
While every channel may look attractive for your business, you have to be particular about what your social media needs are. Will every channel be the most effective use of time and resources for communicating with your target audience? Is there a goal for every channel that is specific and measurable? For example, if your product is very visual and can be logically placed in many different contexts, perhaps Instagram is for you. The platform that makes the most sense for you to use depends on your product(s) or type of business.
To succeed, you need to develop a social media strategy. Make sure you know what to do daily, weekly and monthly for each channel.
Being Too Promotional
Starting up social media does not open the floodgates to sales. If you have a new brand, people aren’t going to flock to your pages just because you’ve turned on the virtual “open” sign. Sales take time on social media, and people don’t like the hard sell early and often. You will build an authentic community by educating the audience, and providing them with answers to questions they have. In many cases, businesses make the mistake of pushing for the sale of their product. They focus on getting the buy, not on the benefits of the product, the practicality of the product or showing the social media audience how it can be used by anyone.
Sales will come with a social media strategy that encompasses more than the product. Sales will come with a social media account that shows the values of the company, creates a relationship with the followers and gives value to the followers.
Neglecting to Interact with Followers
A huge part of social media is the interaction. It is no surprise that social media is a popular line of communication when it comes to customer service. People use social media around the clock to interact with brands.
If you like and comment on other business’ posts or on your followers’ posts, you are not only creating conversation but also making your business memorable. A prompt interaction or response is very important and can be very valuable to your following on any particular social media channel.
Social media platforms can allow your business to create relationships with your customers and attract even more potential customers.
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