The Three Things You Should Never Post On Social Media

Jun 2017

The Three Things You Should Never Post On Social MediaIt can be easy to forget just how accessible everything we post is on the internet. And as a brand or public figure, how you convey yourself online will often be reflected onto your business. Every tweet, reply, or post is permanently displayed for your audience to see. Do you think about this after every time you hit publish? Don’t be alarmed; there is no need to be afraid of marketing yourself online, but each time you engage in a conversation on your social media channels, remember these tips for what you should never be posting.

Personal Information

This may seem like a bit of a no-brainer, but we don’t always realize how much personal information we are publically posting online. With current GPS location services on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, “checking in” at a spot gives your audience access to your exact current location. Depending on your privacy settings, anyone with an account can see some conversations that happen on public posts. So while it may be tempting to share info like your personal email address, phone number, etc. with a friend or colleague online, remember that they might not be the only one reading the interaction.

Controversial Topics

If you wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing a topic at a work event, we don’t advise you engage in conversations about it online. There are some topics that will always be divisive no matter what your stance is. If you are trying to convey yourself, or your company, professionally online, discussing controversial topics will only have a negative affect on your brand image. Think about your online platforms and the conversations you have there as a dinner party; anything you wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing then should be restricted from your daily social media content. 

The Competition

You should always keep an eye out for the competition and be aware of what they are doing online. There’s a lot you can learn from what others in your industry are saying and how they are interacting with their audience and customers. Take a look at their content and scan their conversations for ways you can improve your personal online strategy. What you shouldn’t be doing is publicly discussing your competitors or expressing your opinions about them. Focus on you and what your company are doing, and never talk poorly about others in your industry online.

The infamous Facebook film, The Social Network, reminded us, “The internet’s not written in pencil, it’s written in ink.” You are a reflection of what you post online, and the reputation of your brand is in your hands. Be honest and transparent with your audience, but think twice about what you post for everyone to see. While you should always think twice about what you say online, customer feedback will always play a role in social media. Learn more about the important role social media plays in crisis management here.

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