Whenever your company participates in a live event, whether it is a charity dinner, trade show, or full-blown extravaganza, it’s a good idea to post some of your content in real-time.
Consumers are constantly scanning social media channels for information that is valuable, relevant, and worth sharing. In addition, most people own a smartphone, which means they can instantly capture a moment, share it, and push your content out to a broader audience.
Here’s why you should take the opportunity to capitalize on real-time social sharing:
Excitement is at its Peak
Excitement has a natural way of building momentum; it’s important to leverage that momentum at the right moment. The right moment is usually the present moment. Social media moves at a rapid pace, and your fans are constantly being distracted with new information. When you’ve caught the attention of your audience, keep their attention with real-life updates!
Your Audience Will Become Invested in Your Story
Sharing your business’s experiences in real time tells a believable story. Your audience is much more likely to feel personally invested in your story if they feel like they are privy to an ongoing dialog. When fans become personally invested, they are also much more likely to share your content!
Live Sharing Shows Engagement
Showing your audience that your brand is active, dynamic, and fun sends them a simple message: you’re engaged. When people see that your brand is socially relevant and active in your industry, they will associate that relevancy and participation with success. Sharing live photos and video is a highly effective way to bolster your brand awareness simply because it proves you are present!
Live Sharing Builds Authenticity
Every photo and video that you post doesn’t have to be flawlessly edited and taken with a professional camera! Your social media channels are the place where you show your audience your authentic self, and posting images taken in real time lets your fans know that there’s a human being behind your brand. That being said, don’t abandon basic social media etiquette such as avoiding swear words, inappropriate humor, and egregious grammar.
So, the next time your company participates in a live event, take out your smartphone and get social!
Want more insight on the best social media practices for your small business? Sign up for our next Social Media Bootcamp!