Do we have an invasion of the body snatchers situation on our hands? This week on the Social Media Help Desk, KWSM President and host Katie Wagner sits down with panel members Stephen Wagner and I to discuss the latest news including the heads of Instagram stepping down, and seek to help you answer the question, what is ad fatigue and how can you use creative content to shake things up?
The panel is kicking things off by discussing the recent changes to Instagram as the platform’s current CEO and Co-Founder announce their resignation. Stephen and Taylor are sharing their thoughts on the change and the influence they hope to see and don’t hope to see from Facebook within the Instagram platform.
If you’ve been using the same repetitive photos and articles to promote your company online, I have some creative content ideas to help you turn things around. I will introduce my favorite four types of posts that will engage your audience and help to reboot your channels.
Are you noticing your ads aren’t as effective as they used to be? Many advertisers are running into a similar issue with ad fatigue, and don’t even know it’s happening. Stephen is explaining exactly what ad fatigue is, how you’ll know if your ads are falling victim, and what to do about it.
If you try any of the tips from the Social Media Help Desk and would like help analyzing your result, we can help! Send us a message at, and we’ll take a look.
Not sure if social media is for you? Well, 90% of searchers haven’t made their mind up about a brand before starting their search.
Contact KWSM for help representing your business online.