Instagram Introduces A New Feature To Support Change

Jul 2020

Instagram has introduced a new way to raise donations for causes – everything from COVID-19 aid to activism groups fighting for change. “We’ve seen a large wave of digital activism responding to the global conversation around racial justice,” said a spokesperson for Instagram.

This week, the fastest-growing social media platform launched a personal fundraising function.

According to Instagram:

“We’re rolling out a new way to raise money for a personal cause, like yourself, your small business, a friend or a cause that’s important to you. We’ll begin with a small test to create a Personal Fundraiser in the US, UK and Ireland on Android, followed by iOS. If you live in a country where you can donate to a fundraiser through our donation sticker, you are also eligible to donate to a Personal Fundraiser on Android.” 

Here’s how to create your own personal fundraiser on Instagram:

  • Tap “Edit Profile”
  • Then “Add Fundraiser”
  • Then “Raise Money”

Then, choose a picture, select a fundraiser category, and add the details. Next, enter your information on Facebook’s payment processor for donations (called Stripe) and press “Send.”

Keep in mind, all fundraisers will go through a review process to make sure they are eligible causes. Once approved, a fundraiser can begin accepting donations and will last for 30 days.

When people donate, they have the option of keeping their information hidden from the public. The organizer will be able to see usernames and donation amounts. Once a fundraiser has ended, the donations will be deposited to a designated bank account.

63% of Instagram users login to the social media platform at least once per day.

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