Social Platforms Fight For Bigger Piece of Content Pie

May 2016



Social media platforms are no longer comfortable with casual audiences. With each channel fighting for a larger slice of the pie, they are looking to lock us in with more original content – a move that also lures advertisers away from traditional media. These are the stories in the news this week.


Extended Stay

When it comes to using Facebook, most users fall into two camps – the users who periodically check in on Facebook and Instagram on an average day, and the ones who sit on their timelines all day long. Mark Zuckerberg’s team hopes to convert more people into the second set of users. When Facebook recently issued its earnings reports, it revealed that the average user spends 50 daily minutes actively using Facebook, Instagram or the messenger app. That usage reflects a 10-minute jump in time per user from just two years ago.


With an emphasis on more videos and live streaming, plus the recent addition of the brand integration into its messenger service, Facebook is hoping that you’ll be parked there for much longer periods. Why should businesses care? If users sign on to Facebook, they are staying longer, and able to see more of a brand’s content. If your content isn’t connecting with audiences, you may be to blame. Don’t guess; get tips from the pros.


Linked Into Content

LinkedIn isn’t about to let Facebook hog the audience surfing social media. The business-centered platform is looking to add hosted content publishing similar to Facebook’s Instant Articles. According to Buzzfeed, the focus would allow publishers to host content directly on LinkedIn instead of posting links that send people back to their sites.


The process would streamline the content process for LinkedIn users. It also would heighten its position as a valuable source of business news for professionals.


“Publishers remain a very important part of our content ecosystem, and we are in regular conversations with them about new ways to work together,” a LinkedIn spokesperson responded to BuzzFeed. “Our goal is to ensure we get the right content in front of the right member at the right time to deliver the best member experience possible.” Don’t get caught without a content strategy. From calendar creation to tips to up your engagement, we can help.


Video Ads

All of that great original content has a value for advertisers as well. Google’s YouTube is looking to siphon off more advertisers from television. YouTube took aim at advertisers recently, reporting that the platform gets a higher share of the highly coveted 18-49 viewers than the top TV programs. In fact, YouTube’s CEO says that the video portal delivers a higher audience than the top 10 broadcast and cable shows combined.


YouTube went a step further and announced that Interpublic Group’s media buying arm, Magna Global, is shifting $250 million out from its fall TV ad budgets into YouTube. Google touts its Google Preferred advertising platform, which connects brands with the top 5 percent of YouTube’s content. Advertisers’ digital spend reached a record $59.6 billion dollars in 2015. Mobile campaigns accounted for $20.7 billion while social media advertising accounted for $10.9 billion. If you are unsure where to place your ad spend, we can help.


For more tips about launching social media for your business, check out our Facebook page.












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