The Perfect Blend: How Wineries Can Crush it on Social Media

Mar 2017

There’s no better way to start happy hour than popping the cork, pouring a glass of smooth Merlot or chilled Pinot Grigio and nibbling on a divine imported cheese. For many wine enthusiasts, time and experimentation will determine the types of wine that favorably suit their palate. Similarly, many wineries struggle with fermenting that perfect blend of digital marketing meritage to build brand loyalty on their social media channels. Following these tips can help wineries grow and engage their fan base beyond the tasting room.

Savor the Vintage

Each wine has its own specific story. While people swirl and swish, they may note the conditions; soil, weather, and grape used to create this beautiful varietal. Social media users who follow wineries on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram typically have a genuine interest in the different characteristics of each wine. Embrace this opportunity to tell your winery’s story. Examples include educating fans about food and wine pairings and sharing facts about the winemaking process. Avoid annoying your fans by using social media strictly as a sales tool. Consumers can purchase wine at any local grocery store, so seize the opportunity to tell compelling stories that persuade your fans to see, smell, sip and savor that new reserve blend at your winery. Create an experience around the wines.

Perfect Your Pairings

While contests and giveaways are standard practice for many retail brands, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau limits the ways wineries can advertise their business on social media. Laws prohibit wineries from using social media to give away wine product samples, but wineries can uncork other creative strategies. Whitehall Lane, a 25-year-old Napa Valley winery partnered with Govino glasses to give away branded wine glasses to Instagram followers who used the winery’s hashtag for a chance to win.

Photo credit: whitehalllane

Wineries should identify brands and partners that fit with their social media objectives for contests and implement them. Partnering with a wedding venue, olive oil manufacturer or a local chef can also spur creative giveaway and contest ideas.

Reward Loyal Fans

Focus on the quality of the conversation when rewarding your existing fan base. Wineries often convert loyal fans into wine club members and repeat customers, so it’s important to give followers a vibrant image of the vineyard’s mission, vision, and services. Reward fans informally by liking and sharing their Instagram photos and giving them shout-outs on Twitter and Facebook. Monticello Vineyards, a Corley family Napa Valley winery, shared a photo submission from a wine club member enjoying a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon in another state.

Photo credit: Monticello Vineyards

Social media followers are more likely to toast wineries that reward loyal fans by naturally liking and sharing their content.


Is your winery stuck in the vines for the right type of promotional content on social media? Follow our blog for innovative strategies that will help you crush the competition!





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