She's Baaack! What I Learned From Stepping Away From My Company
If, as business owners, we don’t hold a vision for our companies, no one else is going to do it either. Who cares more about KWSM’s success than I do? And more importantly, if I stop caring (or just give it up for lack of time), who will pay the price? Not just me, but every member of our team. I have a responsibility to take time to focus on the business. I need to be calm and clear-headed enough to make smart decisions. And yes, sometimes that means stepping away from the laptop. I’ve realized that having a balance between doing the work and thinking about how we do the work is essential for success – and ensuring success is my primary responsibility.
Anti-Social: Why I'm Not Returning Your Phone Calls
As business owners, we all play so many roles in our companies. Answer the phone, meet with perspective clients, send proposals, follow up on proposals, check in with existing clients, send invoices, track down invoices, answer emails, return phone calls, do some marketing, keep the books, make appointments…. oh yeah, and somewhere in there, DO the work! And now, because we are all using social media so dutifully to grow our businesses, add to that: update Facebook, update Twitter, connect on Linked In, write the blog, check in on FourSquare, solicit reviews on Yelp, upload videos on YouTube, participate in Linked In Groups, respond to Facebook comments, retweet someone on Twitter, shoot new videos on YouTube… the list is never-ending. Sometimes I dream in a Facebook newsfeed. I swear I do.