Repetition Is Redundant: Generate Fresh Content For Your Social Media

Jun 2017

Repetition Is Redundant: Generate Fresh Content For Your Social MediaDon’t fret! With careful thought and creativity, keeping your social media content fresh and exciting will keep people interested in your business.

So how can you keep your content fresh, real and engaging?

Humanize your Brand:

Share the “behind-the-scenes” of your company. Showing the human side to your business helps you make more meaningful connections with your fans. One way to do this is to turn the spotlight on your employees, such as “Employee of the Week” or “Friday Feature.” Instagram is a great way to express your unique brand “behind-the-scenes.

Follow Daily Themes:

Recurring themes also create consistency for your brand and give your audience something to look forward to every day. For example, “Motivation Monday,” “Wacky Wednesday,” “Throwback Thursday,” and “Follow Friday.” These themes are all popular hashtags, so make sure you include the hashtag when you post on Twitter and Instagram.

Create Unique Multimedia:

Multimedia posts will gain more attention and engagement. For example, animated gifs, video, and memes. These examples are a great way to personalize your brand and inject some humor. Interactive content provides something unique and can be useful for promoting your brand towards a different audience. Probably the type of content that comes up most often when discussing interactive content, quizzes are a good staple of the genre because they work.

Spotlight Fan of the Week:

Fans who like your brand on social media engage in conversation and share their experiences with you. Creating a “Fan of the Week” allows your fans to create user generated content and if selected, gives your fans their “15 minutes of fame.” For example, “Fan of the Week” creates brand loyalty.

Obviously, we all want perfection and to create the best content. But you have to work at it. Over and over and over. Reward your audience with your devotion and personal interaction along with quality content.

A simple evaluation of your social media channels for your business could make a huge impact.

We suggest you give them all a try and here are a few platforms that can help! For additional social-savvy tips and tricks, follow our blog!


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