How You Can Start Your Own Podcast

Jul 2017

How You Can Start Your Own PodcastIs your co-worker, roommate, sibling, all recommending their favorite podcast you just have to check out? It’s not a coincidence! The rise of the podcast is here; Internet personalities and small business owners alike are jumping online to chat about their industry! The best part? Anyone can do it. All you need is a computer, a creative mind, and your unique voice! But how do you get started?

Why You Should Start a Podcast

The number one reason you should start a podcast? Because you’re passionate about it! The best podcasts come from individuals who have an involved interest in their topic and want to share their thoughts with the world. Podcasting gives you an outlet to show off your expertise. As a business owner, having a platform to establish yourself as an expert in your space is invaluable. Your podcast gives potential clients or customers a look at the personality of your brand and will establish a relationship giving you a leg up on the competition. Your podcast will provide creative content and is not only advertising you but is also advertising your business.

Creating Your Podcast

Your name is your brand; it’s time to get creative. Start off by deciding what you want your podcast to be about. If you’re going to podcast, make sure you are choosing a subject you are educated on and are truly knowledgeable about. Take time to come up with a name that tells your audience what you will be talking about, but is interesting enough to hook them in from the start. When you are first getting started, don’t stress about the equipment. Start off by sitting down at your computer and get comfortable talking to your audience. Practice makes perfect, and you’ll want to do a few test runs before you hit record.

After you’ve got your name and subject locked down, plan. Think about the format each podcast will follow. What will be the subject of each show? Will you bring guests on to interview? Start laying out the concept of each podcast from start to finish, so you are prepared and are always thinking ahead.

Sharing Your Podcast

After you have the first few podcasts recorded and uploaded, it’s time to share it with the world. You’ve created the content, but how are you planning on sharing it? There are a few ways you can get your podcast episodes out there and start reaching a larger, engaged audience.

  • Get set up on social media. If you haven’t already, establish accounts on all social media channels. Your podcasts will be amazing content to be posting online. Every time you upload a new episode, create a post on each social media channel sharing the link. This will help get your show out to your audience, and will remind your followers to check it out each time you upload.
  • Send an e-blast. If you have an email list of previous customers, recent leads, or industry colleagues, send out an email announcing your new podcast and encouraging others to share, subscribe, and review your episodes. You can send monthly reminders to your email list updating them on the show and linking to recent podcasts they might have missed.
  • Start advertising. You know the target audience you are trying to reach with your show, use that to your advantage! Utilize social media’s advertising tools by promoting your broadcasts, and targeting a specific audience that might be interested in tuning in.

When it comes to podcasting, consistency is key. It will take time to build an audience and to start seeing results from your broadcasts. Don’t get discouraged. Stick to a posting schedule and use your platform to educate and connect with your listeners. Podcasting can be a new and exciting way to promote your business; you just need to get started. If you’re interested in learning more about social media sharing techniques, contact the KWSM team for information about our services.

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