Case Study: Using LinkedIn Ads for Lead Generation

Sep 2021

At KWSM, our team is passionate about sharing our clients’ stories and services through effective digital marketing strategies. We focus on driving new business for our clients and setting them up for growth.

One of our clients, Art Work Fine Art Services, wanted to showcase their services to customers, demonstrate the passion their team has for art, and generate new business. With this in mind, we created a campaign around an eBook lead magnet to draw in their target audience. 

Campaign Goals

Art Work FAS specializes in fine art services, including shipping, transportation, and installation across the United States. Their team is located in the Pacific Northwest and has a deep passion for art. The campaign focuses on the care and craftsmanship demonstrated by the experts at Art Work FAS, educating potential clients on the detail that goes into each service. The campaign is designed to drive more prospects through the ArtWork FAS funnel, encouraging people to call or fill out the contact form online. The ultimate goal of this campaign is to secure more clients.

Campaign Execution

The first part of our strategy was to develop a landing page that discusses the capabilities of the team members and utilizes testimonials that showcase the performance and longevity of the company. Once on the page, users are guided to a gated downloadable e-book called “A 4-Step Guide to Safe and Secure Art Storage and Handling.” This resource illustrates the process and great care Art Work FAS puts into its handling and storage, encouraging people to take a look behind the crate. In order to download this resource, prospects must fill out the contact form with their information. From there, the Artwork FAS sales team follows up with them to begin to develop a relationship.

To drive the target audience to the landing page, we use a variety of tactics. We utilize Google Ads, ongoing SEO and SEO-rich blog posts, and organic social media posts. From the beginning of December 2020 when we started the campaign through the end of August 2021, we have seen a total of sixty-seven goal completions. 

LinkedIn Ads Effectiveness

As part of this strategy, we decided to use LinkedIn to reach registrars, gallerists, and art collectors. Lead Generation Ads on LinkedIn remove the main barrier to online conversions –  applicants taking the time to fill out their information. When LinkedIn members click on the ad, their profile data automatically populates into the form. We launched these ads at the beginning of August 2021 and have seen more than ten warm leads in the first month. 

We are happy to work with a passionate art services provider like Art Work FAS and are proud to help them bring in new clients and grow their business.

LinkedIn’s lead conversion rates are 3X higher than other major ad platforms, including Google Ads.

Need help creating a lead generation strategy for your business? At KWSM, we create fully customized digital marketing plans to attract and engage your target audience.

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