In a world of screens and apps, we have to remember to fight the good fight for authentic connection. It can be easy to see people as numbers and Instagram handles, but having the mindset that those numbers, and handles are so much more (because they are) will mean the difference between an unengaged audience and loyal followers. It’s these loyal followers that will become one of your brand’s greatest assets over time. Here are 3 reasons why brand advocates deserve a crisp high five and why your brand should care so much about them:
You’ll Always Have a Cheering Section
Referrals via word-of-mouth from passionate customers are magnified online. Instead of someone happening to telling one friend about your company, people can now post to social media and share it with hundreds or thousands of friends or followers. If your company has established itself on the web and created social accounts, people can tag you in photos on Instagram, mention you in tweets or blogs, and expose your brand to millions of people that may have otherwise never found your business. And these are the people that will vouch for your brand in front of a large audience – whether it’s a positive situation or a negative situation turned into a positive. For example, Spell and the Gypsy Collective had to recall one of their dresses after a faulty design issue. The owners wrote a long apologetic letter to their Facebook followers explaining what their plan of action was. The response? A flood of passionate and loyal customers openly stood by their side so that even someone who just started following could see what a trustworthy brand they were.
Advocates Are Brand Ambassadors In-The-Making
The greatest customers are the ones that truly believe in your brand and your product and want to be a part of it. Even better are the customers who believe in your brand and want to share it with others. These loyal advocates can easily transition into becoming brand ambassadors. If their social profiles align with your brand’s needs, they can serve as a vital part of growing your business. They can create unique content and expose your brand to a whole new audience.
In the end though, your brand will need to give as much as you get. Whether it’s paying ambassadors or sending them free product, they’ll likely have to compensate them for their time and work.
Their Passion and Willingness Can Lead to Sales
If you notice followers who are promoting your business, yet don’t meet the requirements to become ambassadors, offer them a sales rep position with an affiliate program. You will send them a promo code that will give them a percentage of the profits for every sale they help generate. The goal is to see an increase in sales and brand awareness.
While you’re keeping an eye out for these helpful enthusiasts, learn the right steps for increasing your engagement and followers on Instagram.