The presidential election is still months away, but the hype leading up to it has been going strong for more than a year. Thankfully, you don’t have to throw your hat in the ring to get your business this kind of high-caliber exposure. Here are three social media lessons your business can learn from the presidential election.
Know Your Audience
It doesn’t take a political science expert to figure out candidates like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have different target audiences. Cater to the fans who naturally gravitate towards you and a massive crowd will be cheering for your campaign in no time.
Keep Your Promises
If you say you’re going to host a Twitter Chat once a month, you better make sure you are in front of a computer screen every 30 days live tweeting a topic. For politicians, it may be easier to flub a verbal promise but remember, your oath is clearly written online and can be used against you when you don’t deliver. Consumer trust is like playing Jenga, it only takes one wrong move to demolish everything that you’ve built.
Get Noticed
Can you tell me what Lincoln Chafee’s stance is on foreign affairs? Do you even know who Mr. Chafee is? He could’ve been the next President of the United States but his failure to get noticed caused him to drop out of the race late last year. Your company doesn’t necessarily need to shock constituents into acknowledging your presence, but you do need to make an effort to distinguish your company from the crowd.
Don’t Trash the Competition
Mudslinging the competition is easy, but ultimately you’ll gain more respect when your business takes the high road. Channel your inner Jackie O by focusing on your poise and professionalism; let consumers conclude what your competition is doing wrong. It might not be gratifying at first but remember, this is not a sprint towards success; it’s a social media marathon.
For more social media tips that can change your business for the better, signup for our next Social Media Bootcamp!