How to Utilize Hashtags on Twitter

Mar 2021

In 2021 Twitter will celebrate its 15th year of providing users a space to communicate with each other, and the platform shows no signs of user activity slowing down. In fact, the social network is expected to grow to 322.4 million users in 2021, and with such a large crowd, it’s likely you’ll find members of your target audience on the platform. 


If your business already has an account and you want to increase your Twitter followers in 2021, it might be time for you to take a deep dive into the world of hashtags on Twitter’s explore page. Here’s how your company can utilize hashtags to find members of your target audience:

Search for the Hashtags You Use the Most

If you’re creating content for your business on Twitter, you probably already have a list of words or phrases that you chose to hashtag in each post. If you think it is important for your organization to hashtag certain words or phrases, other users that are interested in your industry are probably doing the same. Locate Twitter’s explore page and then type in one of the hashtags you utilize frequently. Your search will present you with every post that includes the hashtag and you’ll easily find an abundance of users to interact with. 

Think Outside the Box

Users can stick a hashtag symbol in front of any word or phrase, and so you’ll need to consider any variations of the words you hashtag in your content. Take some time to brainstorm terminology that your potential consumers might use and then run another search with these words. You’ll find more users interested in your goods or services if you are able to come up with a good list of alternative hashtags. As you continue to network on Twitter your list will grow and it will get easier to find posts that are relevant to your organization. 

Retweet, Like, or Comment on Posts  

Finding posts that are relevant to your business is only beneficial if you actually engage with them. Twitter is a social networking service, and those who utilize the platform are usually looking to start a discussion with others. If you come across a post that is asking an industry-specific question, you should take some time to craft a well-written response and suggest some resources you offer for further information. Try not to sell users on your goods or services immediately, instead create an informative comment so you don’t scare them away. Keep in mind that you don’t always have to leave a comment on posts, sometimes only a like or retweet is necessary to spark some interest and direct users to your profile. 


Exploring content that uses similar hashtags is fun and exciting because you never know where your search might take you. Whether your interaction is a retweet, like, or comment, you’re creating the opportunity to introduce yourself and receive more exposure. You should regularly log in to your Twitter account and start searching for posts you can engage with. 


82% of B2B content marketers have used Twitter for organic content marketing in the last 12 months


Do you need assistance managing your Twitter strategy, and building an engaged community of followers? 


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