Lets face it, getting free stuff is not only exciting, it’s addicting! This doesn’t mean you have to start scrambling around the office for unwanted items to giveaway; freebies can be pieces of advice that educate or empower a person. Here’s how to turn those online incentives on social media into actual clients in real life.
Why it Works
Cold calling is a thing of the past. Nowadays, before a customer signs up for a service or walks into a business, they do some online research first. More often than not, this basic background check leads researchers to social media. By regularly posting on your business’ social media channels, a prospective client can get a clearer picture of what your company offers and how you separate your business from the competition. Posting freebies on social media can come at no cost to your business and can lead to legitimate growth.
Incentive Examples:
Snippets of Advice
When writing content for your channels, think about giving a glass of milk, not the whole cow. Snippets of expert advice can help people better understand your industry and why they should get involved with your company. The best snippets of advice are typically 1-2 sentences long and leave the customer wanting more information. If users are genuinely interested in the brief synopsis you provide, they will contact you for a further explanation.
Free EBooks
Free eBooks are an easy way to expand on the snippets of advice you’ve previously touched on. You can pull information from past posts, newsletters, and blog articles to create your first eBook fast. These digital guides will help potential clients appreciate your expertise in your industry.
Product Giveaways
If you’re willing to shoulder a small cost, product giveaways on your business’ social media channels can lead to major payoffs. Promoting weekly giveaways on your channels can help boost product awareness, grow your fan base, and encourage engagement. After selecting a weekly winner, ask the recipient to give a testimonial about the item. Sharing their genuine review is not only great content, it can also encourage other people to buy your products.
Learn how to effectively run social media for your business at our next Social Media Bootcamp!