For many business owners on Facebook, there are blurred lines between sharing information about your work life and your personal life. Finding the delicate balance between the two can be confusing.
Do I share the last e-newsletter my company released on my personal profile page? Should I post photos from my last family vacation on my company fan page?
How much do you let business contacts know about your personal life? And will sharing information about your business on your personal page, turn your friends off?
Sharing personal content on your business fan page can be great for your brand. Social media users relate better to companies that show off their people and tell the story behind their brand. However, over-sharing should be avoided. You don’t want to isolate and confuse your fans with too much personal information.
Here is a good example of personal content shared on a business page:
Likewise, on your profile page, you should limit how many business related posts you are putting up. Your friends are connected with you because they want to learn more about your life offline. They are invested in you. They probably care about what you’re doing professionally, but they don’t need to see every e-newsletter, press mention, announcement of sales goals exceeded etc.
Setting some guidelines for yourself is a good way to navigate the Facebook arena. Try the 80/20 rule. On you fan page, share 80% about your business and 20% about your personal life and apply the opposite to your personal profile page.
You can also use Facebook groups to set up private areas to share content with specific people. You may not even want photos of your kids or grandkids on your profile page, but you want to share them with you family that lives out of state. Create a group that you can use as a separate feed to share this information. You can also set up groups with employees, key business contacts or clients. Just be sure to tailor the content to the audience.
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