A landing page is an integral part of driving conversions for your business online. Whether the goal is collecting emails, joining a newsletter, or making a purchase, you want to be sure your page is working properly.
Understand that your landing pages may be the first impression that your audience has about your business. If they leave without achieving the desired call-to-action, the page is not fulfilling its purpose. It is critical to maintain your audience’s attention and ensure you’re guiding them to take action.
If you’re struggling with conversions on your website, then it may be time to reassess the effectiveness and quality of your website’s landing pages.
Here are several reasons why people may leave your page without converting:
Too Many Options
A good rule of thumb for websites and landing pages is for each page to have one specific goal. Too many options on a single page may overwhelm people and potentially deter them. If you feel that your business’ page has useful information that you would like to share, consider breaking that page up into several pages – each with one goal in mind. Be sure to guide your audience through the flow of your page and ensure they do exactly what you want them to.
No Call-To-Action
A call-to-action helps identify the end goal on your page. Keep in mind that your audience isn’t aware of what they need to do once they land on your page and they need direction. Giving incentives to this action, such as an offer or exclusive information can also be helpful. If your goal is to have someone fill out a form, they won’t know unless you tell them. Ensure you are creating a call-to-action on your page to help your audience convert.
Not Mobile-Friendly
With the majority of people using their phones to find information, it is a good idea to have landing pages that are mobile-friendly. Increase your chances of getting conversions by ensuring that the experience on mobile is simple and easy to use. For example, if your business’ goal is to get conversions through purchases, it would be crucial to create an easy checkout process.
Only 52% of companies using landing pages test them to find ways to improve conversions.
Are you struggling to meet your goals for web conversions? At KWSM, we can assist in optimizing your landing pages to ensure you are getting the results you are looking for.
CLICK HERE to request a 30-minute audit of your website.