Twitter's Image Gallery Feature

Sep 2011

Twitter Image Gallery

Have you checked your Twitter profile lately? Usually I keep my Twitter visits strictly to my Twitter homepage and follower feed, but every now and then I’ll drop by my actual profile to see how things are flowing along and whether or not my background looks alright (don’t lie, you do it too!).  On my last visit, I noticed on the right hand side of my profile were all of the pictures I had recently tweeted, stacked neatly in a 2×3 box.  Clicking on one of the pictures conjures up a separate window where I can scroll through every image that I’ve ever tweeted and see the original tweet attached.

The image gallery is a feature that Twitter launched a while back, but is something that is often overlooked.   Having the ability to pull up your entire history of  your tweeted  images with a single click is not only convenient, but also means that your images have a longer shelf life; Instead of images being rendered obsolete in a sea of tweets an hour after posting, Twitter’s image gallery archives users’ photos into one accessible spot.  This means that other users can more easily find your pictures and continue to comment or retweet them, long after your original tweet has disappeared into Twitter oblivion.  Essentially, each image gallery acts as a billboard for the company’s Twitter.   Businesses and corporations can use the space to their advantage and upload photos to advertise their products and services.

When you’re on someone else’s Twitter, try going through their photo gallery and seeing what pictures they tweeted in the past. Who knows, you might find something interesting and be able to use it as a conversation starter with the other person.


Katie Wagner Social Media








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