Facebook Expands Their Musical Footprint

Sep 2011

If you listen to music through your computer you’re probably using multiple windows.  At the f8, Facebook Developers Conference, Facebook is going to announce a platform that will allow people to access music from within their site.   The three music platforms that they’ll be partnering with are Spotify, Rdio and MOG. 

Facebook is being coy about the partnership and stating that “There’s nothing new to announce….many of the world’s most popular music sharing services are integrated with Facebook”.   A fascinating aspect of this is how, or if this expanded relationship will impact Apple.  iPod is a brand just like Kleenex, but mention either one of those brand and you know what’s being talked about.  Mention Zune and a couple people will know, but some will think you’re talking about a children’s television program.

Not to be outdone, iTunes is about to launch a streaming music service iTunes Match this fall.


A couple weeks ago we posted an overview of Spotify, Pandora and Last.FM.  It’s been a couple weeks and we find ourselves spending more and more time on Spotify.  Once you get used to its dashboard it’s friendly to use.  We also discovered a button in Spotify that recommends band in the same genre as the one that you’re listening to.  Because of the massive library and international reach of Spotify this feature is what keeps us coming back daily.

Our current favorite is Kent.  They’re a Swedish pop band that makes great, atmospheric music I can’t understand, but makes my day go by with a smile.

Should you connect Facebook to your music?

You know that feature in Facebook where you can share your musical likes with your friends?  It may connect automatically if you use Pandora, or in an unseen way with Spotify in the near future.  Do you do that and if so why?  Conversely, if you don’t, why don’t you?

Do you like a band that uses coarse language, behaves in illegal behavior or in a juvenile manner?  If you consider those criteria that could realistically be any group or musician.  However, what if one of your customers or business associates is friends with you on Facebook, sees that you like Snoop Dogg and has a bias against drug use?  Granted you don’t use drugs, but because you like a musical artist that is known for using drugs will that impact you negatively?

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