How to Plan A Social Strategy For 2019

Nov 2018

It's time to get your tools together and start planning for 2019

When it comes to social media and digital marketing, you always have to stay ahead. As we enter the last weeks of 2018, it’s time to start looking ahead to 2019. To look forward, you have to begin with what you’ve done. Once you’ve analyzed your successes and failures from 2018, your next question should be, “where am I going next?” Developing your goals now will help you hit January running, and see you through the next year.


Audit Away


Analytics are everything. Whether you’ve tracked your results week-by-week or month-to-month, it’s time look at your content and your ads throughout the entire year.


Find your most successful pieces by looking at your reach, the engagement, and which posts drive the most traffic to your website. Your most successful posts are what you’ll want to continue emulating and working with. Doubling down on quality content will help you jumpstart the next year.


When it comes to your advertising, pay close attention to all of the relevant metrics. Review your cost per click, cost per impression, and the number of conversions. If you have specific goals set, see which ads helped you meet those goals. Paid ads are one of the cornerstones of your social strategy, and without well-defined goals, you’ll be basing your work on luck. Dig into the Google analytics and study your audience’s activity on your website including time on the site, pages per session, and the behavior flow throughout your site.


Watch The Competition


Everyone has a brand they look at as their competition, whether it’s a store down the street or a giant brand like Wal-Mart. What did they do in 2018 that impressed you? Did they do something that you can do better?


While watching the competition can be extremely helpful, it’s important not to spend your time copying what they do. They have different goals, budget, and ideas of what success looks like. Understanding what your competition is doing doesn’t mean that you have to emulate it.


Spend For Success


There is one hard and fast rule that will never change, no matter what your goal: Content is king.


It’s hard to create high-quality content without having a budget to support it. If you are going to take photographs or videos, we recommend having a professional handle it. An introduction video that is polished and well executed could make your homepage a huge hit.


If you’re having trouble keeping up, you can work with a digital marketing team that will understand your needs.


You may feel it’s too early to start thinking about 2019, but leaving your planning until the New Year is a surefire way to force yourself to scramble and fall behind.


Start planning now, and watch your success soar in 2019!


Did you know that 5.14 billion people have access to social media through mobile devices?

Today’s consumers expect to have a flawless experience on the Internet. They want to shift seamlessly from their mobile devices to their laptops without ever missing a beat.  Your website must be ready.

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