When you think about the content you consume daily, what do you recall first? The numerous entertaining videos you’ve liked, shared, or saved? Or the images you liked? It’s no surprise that videos receive more engagement and attract audiences more than static images. They’re also more memorable. Did you know videos get 3x as many clicks in comparison to images?
Video content should be included in your holiday campaigns for several reasons: reach/brand awareness, engagement, website traffic. Here are 3 ways to make your holiday sales merry and bright with video marketing:
Digital Greeting Card
Video greetings cards are a creative way to let your audience know you’re thinking about them and appreciate their business. You could create a more personalized version for your email subscribers and post a general video greeting card to social media. Although paper cards add a personal touch, a video card allows your audience to hear your voice and see your face when they receive your special message. These extra features can create an even more personal connection.
Year-End Offer Promo
Have a year-end promo? Of course you do! Make it pop with a holiday video that creatively announces the special offer. The holidays are an awesome time to promote irresistible sales using a targeted ad campaign. You can promote a sale for a best-selling product to a newer segment of your audience or give a special BOGO or exclusive deal to your seasoned, loyal customers. Incorporating video ads in your holiday marketing campaign can be done in a number of ways based on your goals. Many businesses have also experimented with shoppable videos that allow for a more interactive experience. Shoppable videos offer the viewer a chance to initiate an order or access the website to learn more about the product/service.
Heartwarming Social Campaign
For the holidays, emotion-driven, sentimental content is key when appealing to your audience. This is the time of year to create heartwarming content that connects with your audience on a deeper level. Due to their significant marketing impact, videos are now considered to be quality methods for bottom-of-the-funnel tactics. The versatility of video allows it to be dispersed in various areas of your campaign. It can be integrated among your ad promotions, blog promotions, or native video on your social media pages. As mentioned earlier, by using tactics such as shoppable videos, consumers can be driven to purchase from a single piece of content.
Companies using video enjoy 41% more web traffic from search than non-users.
KWSM has an in-house video team that will help give your brand a human face, and generate the results you’ve been looking for.
CONTACT US to learn more about creating the results you’re looking for with an effective content marketing strategy.