Between the release of Buyable Pins and the over 100 million active users, Pinterest has proven itself a true powerhouse in the social media world. As an incredibly effective E-commerce platform, Pinterest is the ultimate sales tool if used correctly. However, we were amazed to learn that only 17% of Fortune 500 Companies actively use Pinterest to interact with their customers! There are no two ways about it: Between providing context, adding value, and driving sales, your small business is likely missing an opportunity if it’s not securing real estate on Pinterest.
Opportunity to Give Context
Frequently, we hear business owners say, “I’m not sure I need a Pinterest account. I’ve already got all my products listed on my website.” This may be true, but often these images are strictly product images, without back context or background as to how and where your product fits into daily life. Pinterest excels at this (which becomes abundantly clear the more you pin) by bringing context and life to your products by creating pins that show them displayed in lifestyle settings.
Opportunity to Provide Value
The other main focus of Pinterest, and subsequently, the pins that do the best on this platform, are those that add value outside of the utility of your business’ products or services. For example, the hottest kitchen gadget would likely receive a lot more engagement and potentially even sales after sharing a pin that outlines a salad recipe made using this utensil, versus an info graphic outlining the products’ specs and its durability in your dishwasher. If you can give your audience added value in some form consistently, when the time comes to pull the trigger for a sale, they’ll already feel they’re getting the better end of the deal and make a purchase.
Opportunity to Make a Sale
Plain and simple, Pinterest is by far the most successful social media platform for driving e-commerce sales. Your products may already be listed on the website, however, multiple conversion funnels can only mean one thing: more conversions! As mentioned earlier, Buyable Pins are a tremendous asset to e-commerce goals, as it eliminates a step in the checkout process by allowing you to purchase items directly through Pinterest, as opposed to rerouting the user back to the items’ host site. Bottom line, if your products are visually appealing and can be sold online, you are missing a significant opportunity if you are not marketing them on Pinterest.
Want to see all the ideas, designs, and articles that inspire us? Follow KWSM on Pinterest!