When you think of “digital marketing,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? You may have thought of the most recent TV commercial you saw, but likely your answer encompassed social media.
With each month that passes, social media becomes more prevalent and more essential for any business to utilize. Besides the fact that the average American spends over two hours per day on social media, there are a few other reasons why social media truly is the cornerstone of any effective digital marketing strategy.

It’s Affordable
Believe it or not, there was a point in time where only big businesses could afford advertising. These were the days of billboards and big magazine ad buys. Now, sometimes for as low as $1 per day, your company can run targeted social media ads.
If you run an effective ad on social media that leads to more followers, fostering these connections by posting relevant content every day and engaging with your audience may save you money, for things will start to grow organically.
It Establishes You as an Industry Leader
On social channels, you can demonstrate how your business is a leader in your industry by answering questions your target audience is already thinking before they say it, giving advice, and sharing relevant information.
If you use your platforms for this regularly, slowly but surely you can increase your business’ reach and following. Other users will start to share your posts or refer friends/colleagues to your social media when they have questions. Long term this can mean new followers, and even genuine leads.
It’s Personal
At one point or another, we’ve all seen marketing ads and thought “who was this made for?” With marketing on social media, these thoughts should now happen few and far between.
Your page followers are there because they genuinely want to connect with you or find value in what you’re posting. Keep your established audience coming back for more by crafting a social strategy with them in mind, constantly asking yourself if this delivers value to them. And most importantly, don’t forget to use your social channels for what they were designed to do – be social! Comment, respond, and interact with your audience whenever it makes sense to do so.
Above all else, social media is such a powerful tool for marketers because it is so widely accessible, easily used, and prevalent in day-to-day life.
In America alone, 230 million people are established and active social media users.
Do you need to start marketing your company on social media, but aren’t sure how to get started? Or maybe you’ve been posting content, but can’t seem to get the results you want.
CLICK HERE to schedule a complimentary 30-minute digital marketing audit.