Earlier this week we talked about the importance of blogging for your company and its distinct role in social media. If done consistently and properly, blogging is a great tool for garnering visibility for your brand or website. Blogs allow you, the company, to create and publish your own search-friendly content on the Internet, establish credibility in your field and become a thought-leader in your industry.
Sure, you can build credibility with a blog, you can also destroy it pretty quickly if you don’t proofread your material. What are your spelling and grammatical mistakes saying about you, or even your company? I don’t know about you, but when I see someone who can’t differentiate their “there, they’re and theirs”, I start to secretly judge them. And then I begin to slowly pull away from whatever I was reading, because really, if the author doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re, what else does he not know?
Okay, so that might be a little extreme, and admittedly I am a bit more scrutinizing when it comes to grammar. But the point is that you should always proofread your blogs and social media content; If you have invested all that time and work already, don’t let one spelling error ruin it for you.