Video plays such a huge part in social media; it’s no surprise that platforms emphasize the format. The battle between Snapchat and Instagram continues while Pinterest ramps up video for advertising.
These are the trending social media stories in the news this week.
Instagram Releases Significant Video Update
Instagram gave social media enthusiasts something to debate about when it added Stories, a near-clone to acquire Snapchat’s audience.
The Facebook-owned platform rolled out a new update allowing users to zoom in and out when taking videos, simply by swiping up or down on their screens.
In an additional update, Apple users will now be able to switch between the front and back camera when recording a video – a feature Instagram Stories lacked initially when introducing the feature earlier this month.
Your move, Snapchat!
Pinterest Introduces Video Ads
Bulletin Board social platform Pinterest is taking its dedication to online shopping one step further with the release of embedded video ads.
55% of all users on the trendy platform utilize Pinterest as an online shopping site, so it comes as no surprise that Pinterest is adding features to enhance the shopping experience.
Video ads will now appear in the main news feed, but will run without sound and will only play for a short time. The audience will be able to watch the full ad at their own discretion by simply clicking on the video preview.
Another great opportunity to engage social audiences and direct traffic to your landing page!
Facebook Targeting Ad Bots with Newest Messenger Update
A new policy change at Facebook will now give advertisers an even bigger advantage when it comes to online shopping and engagement.
Although interactive bots have been able to assist you in making purchases for some time now, the policy update will now allow for bots to send subscription messages, ads, and promotions.
The bots are still currently in beta mode but are open to businesses involved in news, productivity, and personal trackers. Prospective companies will have six months to pitch to Facebook exactly how they will be utilizing the bots before being approved.
We understand more than anyone how intimidating it may feel at times to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of social media. For the latest trends and news- be sure to like and follow the KWSM Facebook page for all the very latest details!