It’s here, it’s here! In an hour, Facebook, if true to their word, will be rolling out the new Timelines to all brand pages. Is your page prepared for all the changes yet? We made the switch early and have had ample time to configure and play around with the new layout and settings, so we’ve put together some last minute tips for you to ensure that you’ll have your Timeline up and ready when it officially launches (or, if you’ve already published it, doesn’t hurt to double check!):
- Cover Photo Ready: The big billboard-like photo will span the entire top portion of your Timeline, so it’s important to make a good first impression! The cover photo dimensions are 851 x 315, but Facebook will re-size your photos accordingly if you don’t have the exact size (be careful, this might distort your image). Create your own customized photo, and make it eye-catching! Remember though, cover photos may NOT contain any contact information, web address, promotional ads or call-to-actions.
- Reevaluate Apps: With the new Timeline change, a lot of third party apps will be rendered obsolete (or at least until the developer updates them accordingly). Go through your apps and check which ones are still functioning, and delete the ones you no longer need. You can also rearrange your apps at the top of your page and feature your favorite ones. On some apps, you also have the option of changing their display pictures to make them more attractive, if you wish.
- Tell Your Story: You can add important dates or events onto your Timeline and document your company’s history using the new Milestones feature. Take the time to sort through your brand’s history and to plot these milestones onto your Timeline.
- Check Your Messages: Yes, you have messaging ability with the new Timeline! To prevent spam, Facebook will not allow brand pages to initiate conversation; You can only engage in a private conversation if a user directly messages your page. As of the moment, Facebook doesn’t seem to send you email notifications when you receive private messages, so remember to log in and check every day so you don’t miss anything.