Join in on the Conversations

Dec 2011

media partyNews flash! Britney Spears is engaged! Yes, I know what you’re thinking: I thought she was married with two kids already.  But no, according to the popular trends on Twitter, the has-been teen pop star clearly has done it again. Not that I care, but apparently a lot of other people do, so much to the point that 190 million other Twitter users have made it a trending topic of conversation. That’s incredible.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you go join in on this conversation with 190 million other people? Well, you can. It’s as easy as sending out a tweet about the subject.  Make it relevant to your business, and remember to use some tact (meaning, don’t just randomly talk about Britney Spears and then plug in your business).   Social media is all about the craft and the delivery.

How would a popular news event relate to your business? Say you’re a divorce attorney—you can tweet about an interesting marriage statistic, and preemptively (sorry, Ms. Spears) offer up your professional services.  Or are you a cupcake baker who can share the perfect chocolate wedding cake recipe to your followers, one that Britney would absolutely love? Of course, there are no guarantees that your Tweet will be picked up and retweeted to the masses, but the point is that you’re getting yourself out there and joining in on the conversation.  It’s cool and hip to be in the know, right?

Facebook has also added a similar feature on their newsfeeds, which groups together all posts from one’s friends and “liked” pages who are talking about the same topic.  These posts have a longer display-life on a newsfeed too, which means that if your business posts about a popular topic on Facebook, it’ll have higher visibility chances on your fans’ newsfeeds. For example, my newsfeed has been blowing up lately with NBA updates (Chris Paul going to the Clippers?!) Or since it’s the holiday season, everyone’s talking about Christmas. Look at the example from my own newsfeed:



Both my friends’ and favorite pages show up grouped together on the topic of Christmas.  Notice how Harvey’s Seatbelt Bags uses the trending topic to promote their own holiday specials!

Scan your own newsfeed to see what your friends are talking about, and use these topics to structure your own content for your Facebook fan page updates.  Things move fast in the social media world, but if you know what to post and how to post them, you can get ahead of everyone else.


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