Instagram: What To Think About Before You Join

Dec 2019

Did you know one billion people use Instagram every month? Instagram is also the second-most downloaded free app in the Apple app store after YouTube.

It’s estimated that in the year 2020, 75% of U.S. businesses will be on Instagram. If you’ve been thinking about joining the popular social media platform but are feeling overwhelmed, here a few simple terms to get you started.

Your Handle: 

An Instagram handle is essentially your username. It’s the name you use to define your profile address. If you’re creating an account for your business, you’ll want to choose a handle that relates to your services and is consistent with your other social media handles. Do some research; what are your competitors using, and is it successful?

Your Bio: 

Your bio is the first thing people will see at the top of your profile page. That’s where you tell people who you are and what you like to post. Instagramers usually reference a “link in their bio” to direct followers to other social media channels or a website. This can be used as a way to drive traffic to your webpage because it’s the only place where anyone can share a clickable link on Instagram.

A Visual Platform:

If you’re familiar with Facebook, you know the social media site relies on both text and pictures while Twitter leans heavily on just text. Instagram, however, is focused on pictures and videos. You’ll want to be choosier with the pictures you post because aesthetic is everything.

Basic Instagram Terms:


Impressions represent the total number of times your photo, video, or story has been seen. This number includes every time a user saw your post while scrolling through their feed, clicked through your business’ profile to view a photo, and viewed your content through Instagram Direct.


Like impressions, reach also shows the total number of views but rather than calculate it by total eyes on your content; it also narrows it down unique users’ views only.


This is the total number of unique accounts that have liked, commented, and saved a particular photo or video.


Did you know there are at least one million advertisers on Instagram?

Do you need to start marketing your company on social media, but aren’t sure how to get started? Or maybe you’ve been posting content, but can’t seem to get the results you want.

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