How Your Business Can Use The New Questions Feature on Instagram

Jul 2018

You may have opened your Instagram feed recently and been overwhelmed with the number of stories your friends were posting. Instagram recently released Questions for Instagram Stories, and we decided to take a deeper look at the new feature and analyze how brands could utilize it for growing business.

What Is It

The Questions feature is currently only available on Instagram Stories. It’s located with the GIF, Location, and other miscellaneous tools and stickers you can use to enhance your stories. When you select an image to post, you can then add the Questions box to your post. It’s labeled with “Ask Me A Question,” but as we tested it out, we learned you could change what your box said which in return would change the responses you got. As I tested the fun on my personal page, I ended up just writing “Go!” Instead of being flooded with questions, I was flooded with compliments. I didn’t even have to pay anyone! Anyways, when you receive a response, it lives in the same area as who views your story. You can also select “Share Response.” This would then lead you to create a new image for your story to answer the question. Also, it’s important to clarify that it does tell you who asked the question. So there won’t be any anonymous bashing or romance.

How To Use It

If you own a business, this is a great feature to try out. You can use Questions to ask your audience what they like about your brand and what they want. Giving you direct insight into how you are doing with your audience and what you can do to improve and grow. You can also use it to simply share a more in-depth look at the brand like a behind the scenes. I saw tons of companies sharing information about how they started. They also let people know that they were hiring and how to apply.

While the feature initially seemed a little obnoxious, I think like anything it needs to be used in moderation. You don’t have to answer every question asked but maybe the ones you think would be good to share with your audience that will actually help your brand or business.

For more help on how you can use your channels to boost your marketing head on over to the Katie Wagner Social Media Facebook page and Twitter for daily posts on all things social media.

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