Email marketing is one of the most effective ways you can reach your audience. For some industries, the average open rate for advertising emails is less than 20%. To aim above that threshold and to make the most of every marketing email you send, follow these tips.
Start with the Goal of Your Marketing Email
Before you begin writing, define the purpose of your email. What are you hoping to accomplish? What are the main points you want to get across? There are several types of emails that can support your goal. If your goal is to provide information about your company or products, a marketing newsletter may be the best choice. If you have a new service or sale, an eblast is a better option to help users act now. If you want to nurture relationships longer, consider an email drip sequence with the ultimate goal to contact your team.
Consider Your Audience Needs
Once you know the goal of your marketing email and the type of email you want to send, evaluate the needs of your readers. Your email list is likely full of different types of audience members. Some may be first-time buyers, while others may be loyal customers or cold contacts. The tone of your email needs to be adjusted to talk to specific members of your audience. For example, you wouldn’t send an introductory offer to a loyal customer. That would be best for a cold audience. Communicating the right messaging to the right people is the key to helping your readers take action.
Personalize Subject Lines and Intros
Customizing your subject line and intros is just as important as personalizing the tone of your messaging. Your subject line is your first impression and should grab their attention immediately. This can be done by using short snappy sentences and including a reader’s name in the subject line.
This same tactic also applies to the introduction inside the email. Your goal with your opening paragraph and headline is to entice your audience to keep reading. Make your tone and phrase specifically for the person reading your email. Include things like pain points and FAQs that apply to their lifestyle or industry.
Be Concise in Body Text and CTAs
Within the rest of your email, remember less is more. Aim to deliver your message concisely by breaking up long pieces of copy with bullets and visuals. Your overall email design can help create a user-friendly flow as well. Using colored buttons for your calls to action, section dividers, and interactive infographics can help communicate your information more clearly.
Personalized emails with clear calls to action and a user-friendly design are the key to improving your email marketing performance. If you’re not getting optimal results for your emails, it’s time to refresh your email marketing strategy.
63% of consumers don’t respond to non-personalized emails.
CONTACT US to learn how we can develop an effective email marketing strategy to help you get real results.