Blogging has gone from a niche news alternative to a business necessity for engaging fans of your brand.

A blog post can accomplish a lot of things for your brand; one of the best is providing a platform to informally share content. Here are three tips for writing better blog posts.
Before you start writing, have a clear understanding of whom you’re trying to reach with your blog. What does your audience want to know? What are their interests? Who are the people reading your blog?
Once you’ve established those answers, you will be able to better sculpt the content within your blog. This knowledge will also give you a good bank of blog post topics for the future.
Inviting comments through a call to action on your blog is a great way to get a feel for the pulse of your readers. It also gives you great insight into what resonates with your readers while providing an opportunity to engage them in dialogue.
Your blog is a lot like your social media channels, if you don’t provide regular content, your engagement will suffer. If your goal is to engage your audience and keep your brand fresh in their eyes, then posting new content daily is a good goal for your blog.
The key is consistency. You must write, write, and write in order to really develop your blog.
When possible, it is a good rule of thumb to allow at least one other person to read your blog posts before they go live; this will help avoid any embarrassing typos or grammatical errors which strikes at your credibility in the eyes of some readers.
Adding pictures to your post can enhance the readers experience as well.
Getting the word out about your fantastic blog can be done in various ways. One of the most important ways is to use keywords throughout your post.
As an example, if you’re writing a blog post about “how to engage more people via your blog,” then you want to use the words “engage” and “blog” frequently within the flow of the post. You also want to add tags that are pertinent to the content of the blog post in order for search engines to offer your blog near the top of search results.
Another way to climb the SEO ladder with your blog is to link to previous articles within your current post. This allows for more engagement on your own blog and keeps people on your site longer, which is always the goal.
And finally, always include a call to action at the end of your blog post.
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