How to Use Live Video For Your Business

Dec 2016
Source: @cheddarhotdog


Every social media platform seems to be concentrating on offering live content sharing! Most recently, Twitter announced its new live video feature that joins Instagram and Facebook when it comes to having live video capability. So if your business wants to maximize its exposure on social media, it is time take your content real-time to the audience!

1. Product Demonstrations

Have a great product that you want to profile. A live demonstration not only gives viewers an up-close and authentic look at your product (without fancy production editing and gimmicks) but a way to interact with that demonstration. Think of it as a live Q & A or troubleshooting opportunity. Communicating in real-time allows you to offer immediate customer service and satisfaction. Not only will a viewer learn about your product, but also that person will view it being applied in a real life situation that they could identify with.

2. Special Guest Interviews

Along with a rise in live video has come a rise in social media influencer marketing. Switch up how you share reviews by having an influencer talk about your product while live-streaming. A social influencer is someone with an established and loyal following that can amplify your exposure, as well as help influence your potential customer’s purchasing decision.

These individuals can be bloggers, product reviewers, industry experts, or an otherwise trusted source of information unique to your industry and target demographic. Use live video to ask them questions about how your product fits into their lifestyle or have them answer your audience’s commonly asked questions online.

3. Show Off The Small Stuff

Does your company have contests on social media? When it comes time to pick a winner, show your hand going into a jar that has everyone who entered the contest written on a piece of paper. Pick one and announce the winner on live video. Another benefit of live-streaming is showing the behind the scenes day-to-day highlights of your brand. Customers often become brand loyalists by sharing in this exclusive access.

Live-streaming is a great way to increase reach and engagement on social media. Since live video happens in real time, social media channels prioritized it over other content being posted online. Adjust your social media strategy and take advantage of the rise in live video popularity!

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