Everyone knows that once we’ve gotten through the ghouls and the goblins of Halloween, Santa Claus will be here in the blink of an eye for Christmas. If your social media planning is anything like your last minute Christmas shopping habits, you’re cheating your business out of some major opportunities. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year, for consumers and businesses alike. They get the deals and you get the sales.
Planning black Friday sales a week before Thanksgiving won’t do, you’ll be too busy with the execution and other aspects of your business by then. If you haven’t started yet, the planning starts now and here’s how you’re going to do it:
Create a Content Calendar
Before you start anything, make a note of every major holiday that’s approaching, starting with Thanksgiving. Then narrow your list down to the ones that apply to you. This gives you a visual advantage to ensure you’re not missing out on any opportunities.
Bust Out Your Best Ideas
Brainstorming is essential to your plans, so recruit a few more brains from different departments for this step. Encourage everyone to share their ideas about how best to promote your sales in a way that will spark excitement amongst your customers.
Plan the Party
It’s execution time. How are you going to actually carry out your creative campaign? Make a plan of attack and if it requires a team, make sure everyone understands their roles and deadlines. Everything should be in motion and ready to move forward ahead prior to the dates that they’re set to launch. You don’t want a last minute crisis on your hands. Not that something is going to go wrong, but it’s better to be prepared.
Give your customers enough time to plan for your major sales, in-store party, or whatever brilliant campaigns you decide to plan. Share on X
Get the Word Out
Don’t forget to invite people to the party. Give your customers enough time to plan for your major sales, in-store party, or whatever brilliant campaigns you decide to plan. Create banners, and posters and spread them all around social. This is a great time to redecorate your website to let everyone know you’re in the holiday mood and something special is coming.
Don’t risk getting left out in the cold during the Holiday season. You never know what magic you can create—it is the most wonderful time of the year after all.
If you’re ever stumped for ideas during a brainstorm session, learn how to kick that blockage to the curb.