Need a better way to communicate? What about a better way to listen to music? How about knowing the right content to pin during the fall? This week, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube have released new information and features to answer some of these questions.
Share Your Screen on the Go with Messenger
Have you ever tried to explain something to a coworker, but they just don’t get it? Wouldn’t it be easier to just show them? Facebook wants to fix that. Discovered by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchune, Facebook is quietly testing an unreleased new feature that allows users to screen share through Messenger. If released, users will be able to exit the Messenger app and share whatever appears on their screen through Facebook’s video chat. This would be very beneficial for users who work on the go, but still need to communicate effectively with clients and coworkers. So, if you aren’t on Facebook Messenger yet, you might want to download it!
Pinterest Says: Give the People What They Want!
Do you know what topics you should be pinning this fall? Many people think pumpkins, DIY Halloween costumes, or even fall decorations. And yes, these are all topics that people will probably be searching for, but they are not the only topics. This month, Pinterest gave some behind the scenes information on what people are really searching for. They call this time of year “Back to Life” because, well, people are returning to “normal life” routines after their stress-free summer. Pinterest says the top searches, and trends are:
- Life organization: sustainable lifestyle, organization videos, and budgeting finances
- Routines: productive day routines, morning routine videos, and weekend routines.
- Positivity: inspirational poetry quotes, positive quotes to live by, healthy mindset, and radiate positivity
- Goal setting: career planning, dream house plans, big family goals, and travel dreams
So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you’ll pass on the obvious fall content and start creating content people actually want to see right now.
Don’t Miss a Beat with YouTube
If you regularly listen to music on YouTube, then you probably know how frustrating it is when you can’t create a queue. Basically, you have to wait until the first video is done playing before finding the next video you want. This is especially inconvenient if you use YouTube to play music because there is almost always a moment of silence. Well, YouTube has heard your cries and announced this week that they are testing a new feature called “Create a Queue”. This is great news for advertisers on YouTube because updates that improve the overall user experience usually draw a large audience eager to try new features. If you don’t market on YouTube, you might want to consider it today!
Did you know that Facebook Messenger has over 1 billion users who are sending 8 billion messages to other users and businesses each month?
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