There are a lot of business pages on Facebook these days and, frankly, a lot of them stink. A business page is a great way to connect with customers when utilized correctly, but can actually hurt your business if your presence is incompetent or sloppy. Since I’m sure your business page is the most amazing and incredible page on the internet, here are some reasons why that other guy’s business page stinks to high heaven, plus some tips to deodorize your (I mean their) page.
Your profile picture and cover photos are boring. Or maybe they’re the wrong dimensions. Whatever the case, your profile and cover photos are your first impression pieces. You want to make sure that they are professional, clear, engaging and accurate representations of your company.
Your about section is lacking. An about section is where people will go to get information about your company. This is where you are able to provide a more detailed description of who you are, what you do and how you can be reached. You are also able to add links to your website and more practical things like business hours. If your about section is a neglected, it gives the impression that you didn’t care enough to provide any information or perhaps that you didn’t think your company was interesting enough to sell yourself in the about section.
You’re a lazy status updater. Whether you’ve automated your updates or simply post sporadic boring ones, lazy status updates give the impression that your company is…well, lazy. Remember the rule we all learned from Thumper in Bambi? “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” This holds true for content and, while you probably weren’t going to say anything mean, if it is not nice to know, then it is not nice to post on your business page. Taking the time to post relevant and engaging content will add credibility to your business and can potentially have customers returning to your page as an information source.
You’re a shameless self-promoter. You’re that guy at a party who can only talk about how great he is. Don’t be that guy. Nobody likes him. Instead, be the interesting one with all the stories and helpful tips. The guy who asks questions and cares about the person he’s talking to. Everybody likes that guy. Engagement and interaction with your customers is key. Be sure to respond to what they do on your page and show them that you care.
Your page is a ghost-town. Another major cause of Facebook business page stink source comes from a nearly empty page. Lots of businesses know they should be on Facebook so they sign-up, throw on a picture and….that’s it. Don’t be this person! This is almost as bad, if not worse, than having no page at all. The average Facebook-savvy consumer will take one look at your page and go “Oh, how cute, they tried.” You don’t want to be that kind of cute. You want to be the polished professional with all of the information they would ever need on whatever your business entails.
Again, I’m sure yours is the most immaculate Facebook business page on the planet. This information is for everyone else’s pages that need to be de-odorized. So, why not pass it along?