Using video is a great way to engage your audience, build your brand and attract new fans online. Case in point: Did you know that YouTube reels in over 800 million unique visitors and combined, they watch over 4 billion hours of video every month?
Fans are constantly looking for more ways to engage with their favorite brands. Visual content, especially video, is one of the most engaging forms of content. The trick to creating quality videos is subject matter. What you talk about in your video is crucial, because if it’s not compelling, your videos will lack value. But what exactly constitutes a compelling video?

A video is designed to capture your audience’s attention with small tidbits of information. Good videos go straight to the point and aren’t complicated. Keep in mind that viewers have short attention spans, so anything that doesn’t catch their attention immediately is ineffective.
Not sure of what to talk about on camera? When brainstorming ideas for content, put yourself in your viewer’s shoes and ask the question, “Would this be valuable to me?” Think of information and tips regarding your profession or your industry, things that you are well-versed in but others may not be.
For example, at KWSM, we shoot short videos every week that share with our audience the latest tips, tricks and strategies for social media marketing. Not only are these video clips fast and easy to digest, they also help our audience learn. For some examples of our video tips, check our YouTube channel.
To start your own video campaign, think of a series of tips your audience may find helpful and use them as your video content. You can do something as simple as turning your business’ frequently asked questions into powerful marketing videos that provide added value to your fans.