Building A Reputation for Your Business in 140 Characters or Less

Mar 2013

Twitter for Business

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of Twitter. It is perhaps one of the most useful social media tools for a business as it allows your company to take on a persona and interact with customers in real time. Facebook does this to an extent as well, but the 140 character limit for a Tweet keeps the exchange of information more conversational.

With Twitter as a powerful tool in your business arsenal, it’s best to know how to use it to properly build your business reputation. Here’s a good baseline:

Use your Virtual Eyes, Ears and Mouth. Monitor the comments being made about your company. Look to see if anyone has mentioned you in a Tweet or has re-Tweeted any of yours. Ask questions of your followers and look for feedback and, when feedback is given, show the follower that you are listening by responding. It is important to be an active part of the conversation to grow your followers and increase your customer base through Twitter.

Tell your story.  Share what’s going on in the life of your business. Tweet photos of what goes on behind the scenes and highlight important or interesting aspects of a particular week’s work. If you’re a bakery, post your most recent cupcake creation or if you’re an artificial turf company, Tweet a picture of an installation. Twitter is the venue to humanize your business and put it onto a relatable level with your customers.

Be the Expert.  Even though Twitter is the most casual social media venue, you can be relatable and still act as an expert in your field. Demonstrate this through Tweeting articles and links that relate to the bigger picture of your business. Are you a real estate agent? Then post an article about the nature of the current housing market. Personal trainer? Post a link to a website that debunks the latest weight-loss fad. Establishing yourself as an expert builds credibility and creates an opportunity for your customers to ask questions and advice via Twitter.

Having an active presence on Twitter can be a great asset for building a reputation for your business. Time to get Tweeting!


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