Creating a Social Media Bio for Your Business

Jul 2014
keyboard, letters
Photo: @rogerrullu

On most social media channels, the bio — or brief explanation of who you are — is the most important first impression you make. It gives users the opportunity to get to know you and since it’s usually in less than 200 characters, it can be a challenge to craft a bio that will compel users to follow or engage with your business. You need to convey both your professional status and your personality in just one or two sentences. With a little extra consideration, you can make sure that your social media profile puts your best forward for your followers.

Here are some tips to create an effective bio on your social media channels:


Character Count

It’s important to note that each social media channel has different character limits for their bio sections. For instance, Facebook has a lengthy “About” section on the detailed profile page, but only a few lines appear on the main screen of any fan page. It’s important to craft a couple different bios for each character limit.

Be Consistent

Consistent branding is a key component for social media success. When your social media presence spans across multiple networks, it’s important that people recognize you on each of those. Again, since the character count is different for every channel, you will have different lengths of your bio out there. But you should include the same phrases and key words across all channels for general brand consistency. For example, if your business has a Facebook fan page, an Instagram account and a Twitter account, make sure those channels have the same phrases in the bios so users will identify with your brand better.


There is nothing worse than looking up a company you are interested in on Facebook, reading their bio and finding a typo or grammatical error. It doesn’t make you feel too confident with a business, does it? Having a co-worker proofread a bio before it is posted on a channel is always best practice. Also, check the links included in your bio (if any.) This one extra step may spare you the embarrassment of posting a silly typo or a broken URL to your website.

For more social media information, find us on Facebook!

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