For most businesses, generating leads is the ultimate benefit of creating and cultivating a community on social media. In order to make social media the effective lead generator you want, you must first build your following. If you operate a Fortune 500 company, this is easy because your brand is recognizable. But if you operate a startup or small business, it will take maximum effort.
The more social fans and followers you have, the better reach you’ll have for your messaging. The greater the reach, the greater the potential to generate leads. While some channels allow you to purchase fans, research shows that growing your base organically is the best approach.
Here are five ways to grow your social media presence.
Select your channels wisely
It‘s important to know which channels your target buyers spend their time. If your content is visually appealing, then you’ll want to use Pinterest over LinkedIn. If your content is more about storytelling than catchy messages, then you’ll want to use Facebook over Twitter. Be sure to tailor your message to each specific channel.
Be consistent with your posting
Consistency is the key to many things in life, and social media is no different. Posting content regularly is the key to building a following. If your social channels go too long without posting updates, you run the risk of your target audience forgetting about your business. If you post too much, you risk alienating your audience. Determine the delicate balance your brand needs to inspire your community.
Engage in conversation and follow your followers
It is important to engage with your audience, especially if someone is using their social network to attack your brand, which can happen. By being responsive, you are showing your customer base that they are important to your business. By following people that follow your profile, you’ll be able to gather information about their mindset and their preferences, which could shape your messaging.
Use widgets on your website
Using widgets is a simple way to encourage engagement with the content on your website. A widget allows users to like a page without ever having to access Facebook and search for you. Widgets also serve a function in sharing content because it allows users to Like, Tweet, or Share your content on to their profile pages. Widgets are easy to add to your website and something that can take your social presence to another level.
Rev up the promotion machine
Promote your channels everywhere, and we mean everywhere. Your profiles should be promoted on all the pages of your website, marketing materials, business cards, advertising, email signature, and signage if you’re a storefront business. Most social channels have a “follow” button you can include on your website making it even easier for people to become fans of your profiles.
Does your social media presence need a boost? Sign up for one of our social media boot camps!