4 Ways to Promote Your Next Event

Apr 2021

Whether your business is ready to make the shift back to in-person, live events, or if your company is planning to host an upcoming online event like a webinar, there are a few ways to approach marketing and promoting the event. Effectively promoting your event is crucial to make sure that it has enough exposure leading up to it and that people sign up to attend. 

Utilizing multiple tactics to promote your next event will help multiply its chance of success.

Create a Landing Page

Creating a landing page on your business website prior to the event is a great way to fully explain the event to potential attendees. Whether you choose to further market your event via social media, email marketing, or digital ads, this landing page can serve as the central spot to link back to for full information. It can also be where people sign up to attend. 


A good event landing page should contain the following:

  • The event name and a description
  • The time, date and location
  • Keynote speakers (with a short bio)
  • Any fees
  • Frequently asked questions people may have
  • Any other relevant information 


If you’ve hosted similar events in the past, the landing page would be a great place to include images to help illustrate what the event will look like.

Social Media

No matter if your business’ preferred platform is LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, social media can serve as a great way to reach your business’ established followers organically and let them know what events your company has planned.


Facebook and LinkedIn allow you to even create an event linked to your business page on those respective platforms. 


Work with the Event Speakers 

Whether you have well-known keynote speakers with big followings scheduled to speak at your event, or you are planning to have your internal employees lead the event, ask them to share the event landing page and any sign up information on their personal social media, and with any relevant connections or clients that may be interested in attending the event.


Post in Groups 

One of the most underutilized features on both Facebook and LinkedIn for businesses are the Groups features. On both platforms, Groups serve as mini-communities typically focused on one specific topic (such as small business) or location (like the Southern California community).


In these spaces your employees, business page, or both can post about the upcoming events in pages that have your target audience.


By following the steps listed above, you’ll establish a good starting point for your event’s marketing campaign. 


megaphone93 percent of event marketers plan to invest in virtual events moving forward.

KWSM is on your team, we develop carefully crafted lead generation strategies and campaigns that convert strangers into potential event attendees.

CONTACT US to schedule a complimentary brainstorming session on developing more leads and traffic for your business today! 

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