Pinterest is known for being a social media outlet that is fun to use on a personal level. But have you ever considered using Pinterest for business? Here are three ways Pinterest can help your brand:
1. Drive Traffic To Your Website
Does your website have products that are for sale? Blog posts that need promoting? Infographics that need to be shared? The beauty of Pinterest is that you are able to share all of these things with your followers and drive traffic to your website.
When you pin a photo from your website, any person who clicks on that pin to find out more will be directed right back to your website.
For example, if I pin the photo from this page on to Pinterest, everyone who clicks on the pin will be sent directly to the post on the Katie Wagner Social Media Blog. Once people are on your site, chances are they will look around and be exposed to your other content or merchandise.
2. Spark Creativity
One of the things that Pinterest is known for is its abundance of creativity. Creativity creates content that is fun and artsy. This can be a nice change of pace from the typical promotions and corporate posts that tend to fill up our newsfeed.
Another benefit of the creative content that floods Pinterest daily is that it helps inspire you. For example, if you own an interior design studio, you can see what design styles and features are popular at the moment, what color schemes potential customers are into, etc. And you encounter new styles and materials that you might not have been aware of.
Every time I go on Pinterest, I always get inspired. I find new recipes to try, new fashion trends to keep in mind, new places to travel, and the list goes on. Whether you are using Pinterest personally or in a business setting, there is plenty of inspiration to go around.
3. Breakdown What Your Brand Is All About
What is exciting about Pinterest is that you are able to create a visual representation of what your brand is all about. Each board you create shows your fans and customers things that are vital to your brand’s success.
For example, when looking at the Katie Wagner Social Media’s Pinterest page, you do not just see social media boards, you see boards that express what this company stands for: teamwork, storytelling, social media, and a deep commitment to donuts.
Instead of a typical business website that only showcases the work, the merchandise, or the content, Pinterest allows you to show your personality. People are often fascinated with what goes on behind the scenes and what makes their favorite companies tick. Having the inside knowledge your Pinterest boards provide makes the company feel less stuffy and corporate and more human and relatable. Create boards that represent everything about your company, from the serious stuff to the lighter stuff and everything in between.
How can Pinterest help your business?
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Guest post by Britta Erickson. Britta is an experienced blogger and social media manager. Follow her on Twitter at @brittalerickson.