Using Twitter's “Favorite” Feature

Sep 2013

There are a lot of key features on Twitter than you can use to engage with other people to start conversations, like retweeting or replying to tweets. There’s another neat little feature that you can use called the “Favorite” button, which you’ve probably seen when you hover over tweets. What exactly is it, and how do you use it?

Twitter’s “Favorite” is equivalent to Facebook’s “like.” It’s a great way of giving another Twitter user kudos for his or her tweet. It’s a silent affirmation, a heads-up to another user that you liked what they wrote. This is useful for engaging with other users because when you “favorite” tweets, it notifies the other users, which then catches their attention and draws them back to your own Twitter profile. The “Favorite” feature is perfect for those times when you like a tweet, but don’t necessarily want to retweet it onto your profile or reply to directly.

When you see a tweet that you want to favorite, simply hover over it and hit the “Favorite” button.

Twitter's Favorite Feature

On your feed, tweets that you have favorited are denoted by a star graphic in the tweet’s right-hand corner.

Twitter's Favorite Feature



Another reason why the “Favorite” feature is great is because it’s like bookmarking your favorite tweets; You can revisit every tweet you’ve ever “Favorited” by going to the “Favorites” section of your profile:


Twitter's Favorite Feature

Try using the “Favorite” feature and see how useful it is for your Twitter strategy!

Katie Wagner Social Media




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