Winter is over, spring is in full bloom, and what else comes to mind as the weather gets warmer other then you’re favorite chore – spring cleaning! And no, we’re not talking about your office space (which we’re sure could also use some sprucing up) we’re talking about cleaning up your social media strategy.
We often forget that what once was successful for your company may not be the best tactic now. Technology is always advancing and therefore, so should your online strategy. Use this time of change and growth to take a high-level look at your current efforts and see what you can improve over the next few months.
Your Social Media Cleaning List:
Conduct a Website Audit
Start by taking a look at your company website. There are a few things you should be looking for when doing a website audit. First, go over all of the copy and headlines on your site to ensure that your website is still accurately representing your company and the services you offer. Be sure to fact check all of the information you are presenting to your audience. Then, check the functionality of the site. Make sure every button links to the appropriate location and test the loading time for all of the pages. Make a list of all of the tweaks or changes you need to make before you start launching any new online campaigns.
Ask Yourself – Are you Using the Right Channels?
If you have been using social media to market your business for some time now, you should have a much clearer idea of which channels are working for you, and what you might be missing in your overall strategy. If you don’t think a specific social media channel is working for you, now is a great time to switch your focus and try something fresh and new!
Brainstorm! New Social Media Campaigns to Try
Ad fatigue is something an audience experiences when they have been exposed to the same content or creative for too long. You can combat this my mixing up your efforts and testing new and different social campaigns. Take some time to plan out six months of new campaign ideas. This will help as a guideline over the next few months and will ensure your audience doesn’t tire of your content over time.
Analyze Your Current Results
The best way to know for sure what is, and isn’t working for you is to analyze your results. Take a look at all of the data you have such as sales, website traffic, leads, etc. and see if you are getting the result you’re looking for and where you have room to improve! Knowing your strengths and your weaknesses will give you an idea of what you should be focusing on with your new campaigns and what strategies you should retire.
The truth is, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of social media marketing and forget to take a look at what is really going on online. By “Spring Cleaning” your social media strategy, you will be giving yourself the chance to regroup and rethink your goals and efforts – just don’t forget to do it again in a few months! Need some help with your next strategy? Coast-to-coast, companies of all sizes outsource their social media to us. Learn more about our social media management services.