Yelp Elite!

Mar 2011
Photo credit: @nadiaeide
Photo credit: @nadiaeide

I’ve been reviewing like crazy for the last 4 or 5 months, but I finally did it. I was selected to be Yelp Elite. If you don’t know, Yelp Elite is basically just a badge that they put on your profile that says you are Elite ’10, or Elite ’11 depending on the year you are selected for it. Ever since I started using Yelp, I really wanted to get this. Not only do you get to feel cool about it, but also, they hold special events as well. A restaurant will invite the Yelp Elite in and it’s all free! Not bad if you ask me.

However, after becoming Elite, I have been thinking about how brilliant Yelp is. By simply have an Elite status, they are automatically building such loyalty for their site. Not only are they building loyalty for their site, but they are also getting free marketing because these Yelp Elite’s are then going out and talking about how much they love Yelp (which is what I am basically doing right now).

Social Media, at it’s best, works by word of mouth, or word of click, share, like, or friend. The best quality followers or fans are the ones that come to you through someone else who is already following! My goal has always been to have quality fans and followings, not quantity. There are plenty of ways to get more numbers, but ten thousand fans doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have anyone who is engaged. Looking to strategy’s like Yelp’s for ideas on how to build loyalty and grow your brand through the people who already use it is great for looking at your own social media strategy.

Oh, by the way, Katie Wagner Social Media is starting a new program to attract new fans, it’s called KWSM Elite. Anyone want to join? 😉

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