Why Your Digital Marketing Strategy Needs a Blog

Jan 2018
Photo: @thedailywriting

We live in a society that is highly saturated with products and services. Consumers take their time when buying, and they don’t buy the way they used to. Think about it, where do you go when you want that workout outfit to kick off your New Year’s resolution? Online.

This is great for businesses and consumers alike but heightens the competition.

Do you know how to set your business apart from the rest? We do. Hint – it’s in the title. Here are a few reasons why you should add a blog to your digital marketing strategy.

Create a Connection

A blog creates a story for your business, and it builds trust between you and your audience. You can build your credibility online by using authentic content and initiating two-way conversations. Encourage your audience to give you their opinions or ideas on topics they like.

Don’t be shy about blogging. Writing compelling and entertaining posts will benefit your customers. Your blog shouldn’t be outwardly promotional; it should simply give your audience something that will benefit them.

Let your audience in by blogging about your staff, your culture, and anything else that showcases your business. A marketing strategy serves to promote, but in the digital world, people will leave if you’re just pushing sales at them. Show your customers that you’re there for them even if they don’t buy from you (hoping they do, though).

Be Seen as an Expert

A blog allows for more opportunity for your potential customers to have a reason to come to your website. Set expectations or make life easier for your audience by writing helpful and relevant blogs. For example, an event center website could write blogs like “How to Have a Seamless and Stress-free Wedding Day” or “5 Things to Know Before Picking a Wedding Venue”.

A blog should reach your audience on their level; that’s how they’ll choose you over the other guy when it comes to buying. A credit union that writes a blog about making big financial decisions will much more likely get a member as opposed to a credit union that doesn’t have a digital presence.

When you show your audience that you know your stuff, they’ll come to you for advice, and when it comes time to buy, they’ll think of you first.

Grow Your Audience

If you’ve been following us or reading our blogs, you’ve definitely heard of the know, like, trust factor when it comes to digital marketing. In brick and mortar, you can do this by having savvy and personable salespeople who go above and beyond to make a sale. In the digital marketing world, it’s a bit different.

Your content is your salesperson, and it needs to be just as personable. Think of your blog as warming up your audience and enticing them with good insight and information. The more you write concise and compelling blogs, the closer your audience will feel to you, and that’s an important first step in the buying process.

Research what your audience is engaging with and add a blog to your strategy today! Make your blog posts entertaining, informational, and most importantly; consistent.


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