Diversifying the content you post to your company’s business page will draw more attention and help you stand out amongst the crowd. Facebook business pages provide a multitude of options for content. If you have an upcoming occasion you’d like to promote for your business, Facebook’s “Create an event” option allows you to create a page with all the details and invite your friends to join online. Facebook reports that 41% of users engage with this type of public content each month –that’s 35 million users viewing an event each day. Creating a variety of posts will always keep your audience coming back for more. If you’re looking to promote your next event on Facebook, check out these simple tips for getting it right.
Make an Impression
Your event photo is the first thing users will see, and first impressions are always important. Engage your audience with a captivating photo that will persuade them to search for more information. Facebook specifies the image size for Facebook event photos as 1920 x 1080. Stick to this guideline for the best quality photo.
Don’t Hold Back
With Facebook events, there’s no such thing as too much information. You want to provide your audience with all of the details they need to make a decision about attending. This means filling out the event info completely for quick and convenient access. Important info to include would be dates and times, location address, a direct link to purchase tickets/RSVP, and most importantly a detailed summary of the event which explains why your audience will not want to miss this important event.
Invite & Share
Leading up to the event, develop a plan for how you are going to share the event page on all of your social media platforms. Don’t let your event page get lost amongst your other posts; lay out how often you want to share the link. Remind your audience of your event by frequently sharing the event page. You can also leverage your personal network by inviting your Facebook friends to the event. Be careful only to select friends who you believe would truly be interested and avoid spamming those who you know would not.
Update Your Audience
Once you have created your event, keep your followers updated. Post frequently to the event page with new and additional information. Keep users excited with sneak peeks for the event, and remind those who have not purchased their tickets that time is running out. Get creative with the content you post here. Not everyone who says they are attending on Facebook has fully committed to coming, and you may be able to convince more to join if you keep up the excitement leading up to the event.
Facebook events are just one option for creating fresh and new content for your business page. The platform has recently added a new feature to business pages to provide you with a variety of options for content. For more information about Facebook’s photo and video sharing options, check out our go-to guide.