5 Twitter Tips

Oct 2012

Social media has many caveats.  With frequent updates and resurfacing content, social media changes rapidly.  Be sure to keep up on the most pressing and intriguing issues to help you master the art of social media.  Using social media is one thing but using it well is the key to online success.  Stay updated and stay informed with the latest social media news.


twitter tools, 5 ways to use twittter, katie wagner social mediaIf you are looking to find better ways to use Twitter for your marketing needs well believe me there are plenty of tools out there.  In fact these free tools are waiting for you and better yet they’re simple to use.  Here is a list of 5 that will help you gain the edge on your competition making your Twitter experience much more useful.  Read all 5.


There are many ways to increase marketing results with social media.  Have you thought about what video marketing can do for you?  Video marketing can greatly increase your online marketing results and better yet making videos is quite simple.  They can be anything from introducing a new product, to testimonials and even an information video on how to use your product.  Regardless there are many ways videos can help you.  Be sure to use them because consumers really enjoy watching “it” as opposed to always reading “it”.  How videos help marketing.

Pinterest, Social Media Marketing, Orange County Social Media, Katie Wagner Social Media

Did you know Pinterest is emerging as an attractive marketplace for selling products?  SteelHouse.com reports that Pinterest users are 79% more likely to purchase items they saw pinned on Pinterest versus Facebook users. The Facts About Pinterest

It has almost become a business norm to use social media in today’s inbound marketing world.  The trick is using it well.  More harm than good comes from using it wrong ways than not using it at all.  Like anything, there are do’s and don’ts and a few faux pas you should certainly be aware of, especially if you are a small business.  There are 5 major ways in which social media is misused and many small businesses don’t do it right; don’t be one of them. Social Media Misconceptions

Feature photo credit: @5 Twitter Tips

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