Have you ever sent someone a text message, only for it to go completely unanswered? Of course, you have! We’ve all been there, and it’s not a good feeling. No one likes to be ignored. Whether you’re trying to tell a story to your friend who can’t be bothered to listen or waiting hours for a response to your last text, a lack of response can easily make you feel overlooked and disregarded.
The same is true when it comes to communication on social media. The longer a question or concern sits unanswered, the more frustrated your customers become; an abandoned inbox can quickly turn into a breeding ground for disgruntled customers and, over time, wreak havoc on your brand’s overall reputation.
Social media is one of the top ways consumers interact with businesses. Why? It’s convenient! Customer service expectations are constantly increasing, and consumers are looking for brands to create a seamless experience that spans the showroom floor to the Facebook timeline. Don’t leave them hanging! Your brand must be proactive in its social media communication efforts. The key is to be responsive. No response is often the worse kind of response.
Repeat this mantra: time is of the essence! People expect to be able to post their comments or concerns on your Facebook page or tweet at your company’s Twitter handle and get a quick response – usually within the hour!
A prompt response shows your customers you value what they have to say. They aren’t asking for the world; they just want to be acknowledged when they reach out to your brand. The longer a comment sits without a response, the more time it has to stew, spread, and become more negative than initially intended. A simple question from a happy customer can spiral into a negative customer experience that could have been avoided with a little TLC. Even if you’re uncertain of an answer to a question, let them know you are working on it and will get back to them as soon as possible.
Being on top of your social media response game can even give you a leg up on the competition. Although consumers want brands to use social media as a two-way communication channel, a large majority of businesses still aren’t doing so. Taking a few minutes out of your day to respond to a comment might be all it takes to make you stand apart from your competitors, turning a potential customer into a loyal follower.
Communicating with your customers through social media isn’t a chore, it’s a valuable opportunity to create brand advocates. The more time you dedicate to actively engaging with your community, the more successful your social media efforts will be.
To learn more about social media etiquette and best practices, explore our blog or follow us on Twitter!