A marketing strategy, when executed well, will help you build relationships with your prospects, and help to nurture relationships with your current clients. The words marketing and advertising tend to be confusing when they are lumped into the same category, but there is a notable difference.
Marketing is your overall strategy to attract prospects and nurture relationships with existing customers. It is a key component in providing a mutually beneficial exchange of products and services with your clients. Marketing encompasses much of the outreach you do for your business. Advertising is just one specific component of your overall marketing strategy.
Think of marketing as your overall strategy to attract prospects, nurture relationships with past customers, and provide a mutually beneficial exchange of products and services to your clients. Marketing encompasses everything you do with your business, and advertising in print and online mediums is one component of that overall strategy.
Marketing absolutely includes the content you post on your social media channels, but it also includes your business cards, your e-mail signature, among a variety of other things. There are certain components you’ll definitely need to begin your marketing and advertising strategy.
A Logo
When was the last time you came across a business with no logo? Odds are, not very recently. Your logo not only serves as visual representation of your brand, but when it is used consistently across all of your marketing strategies, it gives the perception of a consistent brand across the board.
A Differentiating Factor
Your differentiating factor is a sentence or a few sentences that represent an idea, concept, or practice that your business adheres by. Additionally, your differentiating factor is what makes you unique. For instance, at Katie Wagner Social Media, we’re different because we’re an agency made up of journalists. We have a staff of professional storytellers. That is what sets us apart from others who do what we do.
Before creating your own differentiating factor, think of what you want your business and your brand to convey. Decide what is the most important perception for you to carry, and condense it in a short sentence.
A Website
Your website is one of the most important tools for marketing your business. These days, a strong online presence is essential to building a professional reputation and demonstrating your credibility. A website that comes up easily in a Google search can be a valuable asset for being found online. It also gives potential clients a clear idea of the products and services you have to offer. Often, your website is the very first impression a consumer will have of your business, so it is vital that your site represents your business in the best light possible. To learn more about the importance of a website, click here.
Once you have your logo, your differentiating factor, and a solid website, you’ll want to make sure you are utilizing them well on your social media channels. Brand consistency is key!
For more social media tips, you can always find us on Facebook!