Frustrated with conversion rates? Invest in a landing page! A landing page is typically classified as a stand-alone page that promotes a particular service, product, or element of your business. It’s also the main destination for all of your web traffic. Opposed to driving traffic directly to your main website, landing pages can be used to cut out the clutter and focus in on what you are really trying to promote with your ad. Landing pages work best with warm or hot leads, so be sure the audience you are targeting has knowledge about your company before running ads straight to the page. But not all landing pages are created equal. Thought and time need to be put into the construction of your landing page to improve conversion rates and ensure you are not putting potential clients too far into the sales funnel.
What Makes an Effective Landing Page?
Your landing page should be consistent in branding to your main website, but should only tell the story of the specific service you are trying to sell. When someone clicks on your advertisement, they are interested in the promotion, not necessarily your entire company. While your main website should effectively sell your company as a whole, keep your landing face focused on the one thing you are trying to sell. Strong visuals can capture your audience, so they are more compelled to take action or purchase. The copy on your page is equally important. You want to be speaking to the specific audience you are targeting and making sure the call to action is clear, out front, and the first the consumers sees when clicking on the page. Don’t forget a functioning lead form. If a potential client would like to get in contact with you, make it as simple as possible for them to do so.
Once you’ve captured your audience with a compelling advertisement using warm or hot leads, utilize your new landing page to make the conversion simple and hassle-free for the user. If it is too complicated, you will be more likely to lose your audience, driving your conversion rates down. With an interested and engaged audience, an effective landing page is a powerful tool that can drive sales and conversions. For more information about converting leads, check out one of our most recent blog posts, How to Collect Leads Through Social Media.